Contact the Student Office if you have questions or need to talk.
Our phone numbers and e-mail adresses are listed below and our offices are located in the KC administrations corridor next to Café Ester.
The KC Administrations corridor is open weekdays between 08.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00.
Come by to see us or book an apointment.

Lovisa Andersson
Email: studievagledare [at] kemi [dot] lu [dot] se
Telephone: +46-46-222 83 57

Åse Hofwing
Email: studentexp [at] kemi [dot] lu [dot] se
Telephone: +46-46-222 83 49

Sophie Manner
Email: studierektor [at] kemi [dot] lu [dot] se
Telephone: +46-46 222 83 63
Visiting adress:
Kemicentrum, Building 1, floor 0
Sölvegatan 39 or Naturvetarvägen 22
Postal adress:
Basic Education Chemistry
Box 118
221 00 Lund